For some time now I have been holding a series of workshops and/or playshops under the general heading
Seekers Uniting Spiritually All Loving Learning
These are a series of 24 interactive workshops which I can run at any location - indeed some of you may already have attended one or two or heard one of shortened versions I've presented at Mind Body and Spirit fairs these past couple of years. All I need is a room and a willing and interested or intrigued audience! If you are interesting in hosting one or a series, or want to know more, please contact me via the blog comments or email me here. The 24 themes are outlined here as follows:
1) (L)earning from Past Lives
Which celebrity believes: ‘I know in my life there’s stuff that will come back because I haven’t dealt with it, and it’s the same with everybody’?
- Happy to SUS out significant misty memories in your own distant history?
- Keen to learn more about déjà vu, recycled Souls, the laws of love?
- Feel there’s more to the riddles of life than reductionist versions often given?
Looking is not necessarily seeing. Except, perhaps for SEERS. Soul plays many roles but are we always in charge of the script? Imagine we are a film director. Able to call all the shots? Imagine you are your own car. Are we heading for the right hill or is the effort too much for us to endure with optimism? Taking an Identity Audit can help the Highest Self to feel again cherished. Why not enjoy the ride?
- Happy to SUS out significantly different attitudes to this life’s journey?
- Keen to learn more about divine aspirations without ego making roadblocks?
- Feel you’re at a crossroads with so many signposts you feel blessed – or otherwise - with Free Will?
From birth onwards there is hidden guidance. But how can we encourage more contacts with the Angelic Kingdom? As Messengers from God they can inspire, protect and uplift us. So let’s enjoy four of the highest-ranking angels. See how they relate to the four compass points and, in personal terms, to our own consciousness at work and in private relationships.
In this interactive workshop, we will seek to improve both our inner and outer life. We only have to know how to ask and help arrives!
- Happy to SUS out about your Guardian Angel(s)?
- Find how even different sets of Angel Cards seem to agree with your needs?
- Happy to share anecdotes, insights to open better links with the Divine?
Seek the Causal Sound of all that is? Is there an oral toolkit offering many healing mantras? How did Churchill get astral colours and inner sounds into the same dream, a message that his waking self thought to be rubbish? What healing magic resides in certain names, chants and spells?
- Happy to explore the sixth sense in sounds and SUS out their significance?
- Do names relate to inner truths? How does the Feast of Pentecost and The Tower of Babel make sound sense?
- Feel the vibrations of various musical instruments and how they effect the secret bodies in the Soul.
From the cosmic `machine` that shaped us, from ghosts to Google, electricity and elements to elementals, most entities of energy are unseen to ordinary vision. But not to the open Third Eye. Come test how outcomes of are influenced by attitudes, your inner Self being an instrumental part of all Creative Powers.
- Do you and your car share ‘carma’?
- How similar are stage magic tricks to divine miracles?
- Who or what are the Atom Eaters?
- If the telephone is telepathy updated, what about other technology like TV?
6) Many Minds At Play - Multiple Intelligences?
7) How Kind is Kosmic Karma? - Cause and Effect?
History repeats itself? If so, why is that? And how might such a law of action and reaction effect our personal safaris in the space-time continuum? Can the Creative Power be cruel? Think of comets, the destruction of dinosaurs, earthquakes, hurricanes etc…
- If karma is a carousel how can we `stop the world I want to get off`?
- Happy to reflect on past patterns and find ways to free yourself from the worst?
- Can astro-physics help us understand the function of the Recording Angel?
- Discover how love and hate are necessary parts of the same loving Law.
8) Creative Philosophy, The Making of Me - Mapping the journey more accurately
As above so below? Good Heavens! How many exist and can be accessed from earth? Christian Bible and Koran speak of more than one. While the French philosopher Sartre said `Hell is other people`. How many selves made me who I am today and WHY?
- If karma is a carousel how can we `stop the world I want to get off`?
- Happy to reflect on past patterns and find ways to free your Eternal Self?
- Is not knowing the Soul Self is the quickest way to healthy self-management?
- From birth’s blueprint to the Bluebird of Happiness, how’s about MIA –
- My Identity Audit to provide helpful revelations…?
9) Looking-Glass Alice; Today's Ageless Indigos?
10) Dreams and Astral Astronauts
- Inner Travel by direct projection or by perception? The emotional body imagines truth or produces a finer sense of existence?
- How can the astral levels of love produce dreams that can be Healing,
- Predictive or personally profound in their teaching?
- Where best to place your bed? Prompt better dreams? Produce insights?
- Discern how to better use the different planes in meditation?
- Dreams as the Inner Teacher can save outer disasters?
12) The Aquarian Gospel, Peace and Inter-Faith Teachings on Non-Violence
13) Religions, Robots and Rabbits
14) Discovering Atlantis - In You
15) Singing Up The Chakras
16) Unexpected Angles on Astrology
17) Soul-Centred Education - Completing Karma
18) Brain-Gym and Energy Management
19) Meditation as Medicine - DIY divinity
- Sound Whole-Person Health is achieving harmonies on all levels of love. The Medicine Wheel can become your Karmic Pharmacist. As your own Doctor of Divinity why not give it a spin? With guided meditation increase your tool-kit of inner and outer energies as thought forms, gemstones, colours, aura or star signs. Learn how all blocks can be overcome, you your own Saviour!
- The Spirit ill-at-ease causes diseases? Divine each diagnosis before sickness!
- Which body parts are most likely to get harmed by our character?
- Feeling incomplete? In Meditation, breathe in Light and Sound
21) My Identity Audit - The making of a better me
- ‘To thine own Self be true’ said the famous philosopher; as if it was easier to say than to live its truth all ways. But what exactly is your truth in every circumstance?
- Do multiple questions excite or do you resist too many/few choices?
- And changes, if they give you a chance to explore other options, how can that uplift you into Higher Education?
- Remember how attitudes are before all actions, emotion before most movements!
- Remind your Soul how Spiritual Spring Cleaning - like pruning - can produce an ABC of better blooms!
- Register with your Divine Helpers the wish to manage all your selves more fruitfully.
- Make holistic Self-Awareness more real than you are now!
22) Spiritual History - Through 7 rays and multiple cycles
23) Cosmic Classrooms - Inter-dimensional intentions
24) Sacred Fables - with unicorns and totem animals
25) Dishonest to God