Tuesday 11 August 2009

Civil war and slugs

Earlier I suggested that President Obama was a reincarnation of President Lincoln. This was not to suggest that the current president of the USA will come to a similar end but the fact that he is of mixed race surely would seem to be significant. Lincoln, in his day (or rather his nights) received dream guidance, especially before the different battles during the civil war. During the civil war, although republican, he was central in leading the fight for the emancipation of the slaves. Since the assassination of "I have a dream" Dr. Martin Luther King, the downgrading of the black communities has been somewhat alleviated, helped I would suggest by the global reputation and good will of the ex-president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Back to Obama; if karma works in reverse it's interesting to suggest that this time round he's not a Republican. Further, in terms of his spiritual mission now will he not help to build benign bridges between the possible warring factions of religious fundamentalists, be they Christian or Muslim. Indeed, if another civil war is pending on that continent because of say, people enslaved by poverty or the opium of some belief system, which section of society might endanger the prevailing power system the more? Will it be helped or hindered by the constitutional invitation to bear arms?

Back to slugs, and I don't mean bullets! Can anyone tell me why in my kitchen there is a breeding family of slugs? Their slime trails appear overnight and it's only in the darkness that one can capture them and thereby despatch same back to their maker. What I'm asking is, given my kitchen door is so near to green stuff (they demolished my spinach) why are they coming indoors and for what food? I'm told it's fun to get them drunk on beer but for a teetotaller that's surely not good advice! Should I drown them in a happy woozy state of bliss? After all, if they're going to the slug heaven already full of bliss, shouldn't they really feel more at there than in my kitchen? Slug lovers, please respond!