I asked Christopher to select some of his poetry for publication on this blog and conducted a brief interview with him about his choices. His answers are very revealing!
RS: Christopher, you write a lot of poetry, from where do you get your inspiration?
CG: Conceit! I refuse to be puzzled by things that seem complex so I have a little chat with my Higher Self and ask for clarity to arrive. I then empty my mind and just listen. Lo and behold, a first line arrives. After years of writing the inner bit of you knows words that are likely to yield lots of rhymes.
RS: Is it important that your poetry rhymes?
CG: Rhyme and rhythm are universal. Everyone responds to the beat, as in music, and similar sounds as you get in rhyme. That's why nursery rhymes never go out of date and even new children's games will often use rhythm and rhyme together with chanting or singing. Better still, if you have some movement with it, like skipping.
RS: So do you advocate skipping to your own poetry?
CG: It's interesting that when talking about classical music we talk about Movements. Skipping could be seen as another form of dancing. When I hear rapping I feel I want to tap dance along to it. Nothing better for full health than the enjoyment of sound and movement in unison.
RS: You've chosen three poems, what made you write Inner Sense?
CG: My friend Susan coined the phrase to indicate that everyone has intuition or an inner voice that some people might call conscience. I so agreed with that I thought I'd write Susan a poem using that title and in so doing, explore and or discover my own feelings about what I intuitively felt was true for everybody. DISCUSS.
RS: And Many Faiths, One Future?
CG: The title's not new. In London I used to attend at the Friends' Meeting House in Euston meetings based on this subject. Amazingly it was run by a teenager. I'd now like to know how many other youngsters out there are interested to learn and share more about the very varied belief systems that already exist and maybe suggest better ways of celebrating our spirituality.
RS: And Gender?
CG: That was written in response to a lecture that I felt was too narrow and prejudiced in its outlook. For me, in terms of inner certainty, I often do feel isolated. Conceited or not, I deeply know that reincarnation is a fact for all that exists. Given that applies to every solitary soul, if true, it's the most dazzlingly simple way of understanding the reasons for our own existence.
RS: What has this to do with gender? Let's get to the point!
Good comment. Do you believe in reincarnation? If the answer's no, then I'd say "You've lost the plot, mate". Seriously, the plot is like a pre-birth blueprint and there has been enough reearch on this topic, as in the book, "Life Before Life" by Helen Wambach, to indicate the validity of pre-natal planning. Part of that includes gender. Souls under guidance will discuss or decide independently which gender next time on earth will speed up their learning. When I say learning, I mean about the totality of truth in human form. Interestingly, angels are always experienced and or illustrated as being androgynous. My poem intended to address these issues.
CG: Conceit! I refuse to be puzzled by things that seem complex so I have a little chat with my Higher Self and ask for clarity to arrive. I then empty my mind and just listen. Lo and behold, a first line arrives. After years of writing the inner bit of you knows words that are likely to yield lots of rhymes.
RS: Is it important that your poetry rhymes?
CG: Rhyme and rhythm are universal. Everyone responds to the beat, as in music, and similar sounds as you get in rhyme. That's why nursery rhymes never go out of date and even new children's games will often use rhythm and rhyme together with chanting or singing. Better still, if you have some movement with it, like skipping.
RS: So do you advocate skipping to your own poetry?
CG: It's interesting that when talking about classical music we talk about Movements. Skipping could be seen as another form of dancing. When I hear rapping I feel I want to tap dance along to it. Nothing better for full health than the enjoyment of sound and movement in unison.
RS: You've chosen three poems, what made you write Inner Sense?
CG: My friend Susan coined the phrase to indicate that everyone has intuition or an inner voice that some people might call conscience. I so agreed with that I thought I'd write Susan a poem using that title and in so doing, explore and or discover my own feelings about what I intuitively felt was true for everybody. DISCUSS.
RS: And Many Faiths, One Future?
CG: The title's not new. In London I used to attend at the Friends' Meeting House in Euston meetings based on this subject. Amazingly it was run by a teenager. I'd now like to know how many other youngsters out there are interested to learn and share more about the very varied belief systems that already exist and maybe suggest better ways of celebrating our spirituality.
RS: And Gender?
CG: That was written in response to a lecture that I felt was too narrow and prejudiced in its outlook. For me, in terms of inner certainty, I often do feel isolated. Conceited or not, I deeply know that reincarnation is a fact for all that exists. Given that applies to every solitary soul, if true, it's the most dazzlingly simple way of understanding the reasons for our own existence.
RS: What has this to do with gender? Let's get to the point!
Good comment. Do you believe in reincarnation? If the answer's no, then I'd say "You've lost the plot, mate". Seriously, the plot is like a pre-birth blueprint and there has been enough reearch on this topic, as in the book, "Life Before Life" by Helen Wambach, to indicate the validity of pre-natal planning. Part of that includes gender. Souls under guidance will discuss or decide independently which gender next time on earth will speed up their learning. When I say learning, I mean about the totality of truth in human form. Interestingly, angels are always experienced and or illustrated as being androgynous. My poem intended to address these issues.
RS: Thank you, Christopher
CG: Thank you! All comments are most welcome, especially from those who would like to discuss or argue any of the issues I've covered.
Inner Sense
Above all physical horizons are the heavens
Life on earth evolves through multiple sevens
The itch of consciousness servant of Soul
Hints more truth and beauty beyond each pole.
But when Masters say LOOK within
How often did we try to begin
To raise consciousness by going deeper
Arousing Soul the earthly sleeper?
Or raise consciousness by going higher
While paying attention to saving Gaia?
To integrate all levels with earth
Pay Soul’s debts by seeking self-worth;
Love all along so lessons won’t repeat
With Soul’s clean sheet inner sense
The journey’s soon complete –so forward hence!
Many Faiths, One Future
The Higher we rise all might agree
The higher the prize and more to see.
But stay above all, refusing to fall,
Will not complete human harmony.
Many Faiths, One Future and one past,
Which Faiths still linger, which will last?
As energies change, and extend our range,
Let all flags wave from one tall mast.
Above, below our elderly Sun,
Angel of Youth till Kingdom Come
Let arrows of youth still aim for more truth.
All God's Words welcome one big pun.
From Cause-effect, free-will and all,
Through sunlit harvests, rains and squall,
As all life begun with All in the One,
Let all Creation heed one call.
The higher the prize and more to see.
But stay above all, refusing to fall,
Will not complete human harmony.
Many Faiths, One Future and one past,
Which Faiths still linger, which will last?
As energies change, and extend our range,
Let all flags wave from one tall mast.
Above, below our elderly Sun,
Angel of Youth till Kingdom Come
Let arrows of youth still aim for more truth.
All God's Words welcome one big pun.
From Cause-effect, free-will and all,
Through sunlit harvests, rains and squall,
As all life begun with All in the One,
Let all Creation heed one call.
In every hu-man heart
from the very start
Soul’s fire has no fender
Returning to Its start
pure Soul has no gender
like God some people say.
No hu-man’s built one way
being both tough and tender
morphing through many lives
till husbands make good wives.
Whether as man or as a maid
love’s laws must be obeyed.
So make each mistake the mender
karma soon sent back to sender
role-play God’s most loving blender