Thursday, 20 May 2010


For some time now I have been holding a series of workshops under the general heading "SUSALL":

Seekers Uniting Spiritually All Loving Learning

These are a series of 24 interactive workshops which I can run at any location - indeed some of you may already have attended one or two or heard one of shortened versions I've held at Mind Body and Spirit fairs these past couple of years. All I need is a room and a willing and interested or intrigued audience! If you are interesting in hosting one or a series, or want to know more, please contact me via the blog comments or email me here. The 24 themes are as follows:

1) (L)earning from Past Lives

2) Looking 4 Your Higher Self

3) (L)earning with Angels

4) Sacred Secrets, Healing Sounds

5) Invisible Powers In You All - Spirit Tech?

6) Many Minds At Play - Multiple Intelligences?

7) How Kind is Kosmic Karma? - Cause and Effect?

8) Creative Philosophy, The Making of Me - Mapping the journey more accurately

9) Looking-Glass Alice & Today's Ageless Indigos?

10) Dreams and Astral Astronauts

11) My Identity Audit - Shaping my spiritual Profile

12) The Aquarian Gospel, Peace and Inter-Faith Teachings on Non-Violence

13) Religions, Robots and Rabbits

14) Discovering Atlantis - In You

15) Singing Up The Chakras

16) Unexpected Angles on Astrology

17) Soul-Centred Education - Completing Karma

18) Brain-Gym and Energy Management

19) Meditation as Medicine - DIY divinity

20) Creative Philosophy - Cradle to grave and beyond

21) My Identity Audit - The making of a better me

22) Spiritual History - Through 7 rays and multiple cycles

23) Cosmic Classrooms - Inter-dimensional intentions

24) Sacred Fables - with unicorns and totem animals

25) Dishonest to God

The above subjects are outlined in more detail on the dedicated SUSALL blog page which you can access via the button at the top of the right-hand sidebar or here