If you live in the Cheshire (Wilmslow, Stockport), North Derbyshire or Greater Manchester area you may be interested to know that Christopher will be giving a talk entitled "Singing Up The Chakras" at Rosemary Douglas' Mind Body and Spirit Fair at Poynton, Cheshire on the afternoon of Sunday 19th April, sometime between 2.30 and 4.30pm. Regretfully, on this occasion, Christopher will not be exhibiting at the fair but the talk will be for one full hour!
Poynton Civic Hall is located just off Park Lane in Poynton, Cheshire - map here - which is south of Stockport. The fair runs across the whole weekend, tickets £3 & £4 on the door or £2 & £3 in advance (see website for details). Arrive early and visit the wide range of exhibits, have a reading or take in another talk. There are refreshments available locally and plenty of free parking. Poynton is situated in a lovely area with plenty of other local attractions
Hope to see you there!